DONE Remote (rust) development environment
Picture this at home
Imaging you are working on a large Rust project. You have added a new feature, wrote some tests and kick off the compile and test process. While you wait, you switch to browsing Reddit. You like using a thin laptop - you can take it anywhere and fit it into even the smallest bags. Your laptop starts churning along, it’s getting hotter under your hands and you see that Reddit is less responsive. After several such compilation cycles, you notice that your battery indicator has one bar left. You only unplugged it an hour ago and now you have to go charge it again.
I found myself in that situation, when I started working on tantivy. During winter months, using my laptop as an additional heater felt like a useful life hack. Now that spring has sprung, I prefer to keep it cool. I decided to offload CPU and RAM-intensive compilation and testing cycle to a remote machine.
This post outlines my system for saving battery and longevity of my laptop by making someone else’s computer suffer.
It’s largely inspired by pzmarzly’s cloudy project.
Whenever possible, CPU-heavy compilation will take place on the VPS. All source code changes will be updated, so at every point both local and VPS version of the code match. If compilation and testing succeed, the executables are rsync’ed from the VPS to my laptop.
Do you always compile remotely?
Obviously, if there is no internet connection and I cannot reach my droplet, it doesn’t matter how big the repo is - I can only compile locally.
is_connected () {
echo $(nc -z $VPS_IP 22)
Depending on the compile times of a given project network latency between the compile droplet and my laptop might cancel out the time wins. I want to build a general solution, so I need to decide when to compile locally or offload it externally.
Using advanced ML algorithms and groundbreaking mathematical methods like linear regression, I can classify if the compilation time is long enough to justify offloading it to a VPS.
I use line count as a predictor for compile times that are long enough to be offloaded. Counts the total number of lines in .rs source files.
is_project_big () {
# get a list of directories with interesting rust code - either src or tests
DIRECTORIES=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep "src\|test" | cut -c 3-);
# get the total LoC in any .rs files in these directories
LOC_IN_RUST_FILES=$(find $DIRECTORIES -type f -name "*.rs" | xargs wc -l | tail -1 | cut -d" " -f3);
echo "true"
echo "false"
At the time of writing tantivy has 35856
lines of Rust code.
What do you need to compile remotely?
Local config
Put this in a config_remote_dev
# insert your VPS IP
# Send Cloudy config.
# Send gitignore-d files.
# Send .git directory.
Configure cargo and necessary build tools on VPS
I created a dedicated DigitalOcean droplet that will only be used for compiling large projects.
server_setup() {
echo "Setting up server..."
echo apt-get install build-essential -y
echo curl -sSf \\| sh
echo /root/.cargo/bin/rustup toolchain add stable
echo /root/.cargo/bin/rustup default stable
echo "$UTILS_CMD" | m_ssh "$ID" "$IP" " bash -ls"
echo "$ID $IP" > "$LOCAL_LOCKFILE"
TODO sync all relevant files to a directory on the VPS
First I need to sync files between my laptop and the VPS to make sure I am compiling the most current version.
m_rsync () {
declare -a FLAGS
FLAGS+=("-r" "-t" "-p" "-R" "-a" "-i" "-z") # t - timestamps, p - permissions
## You have to include first before excluding everything else. Order matters!
# Copy all the files needed to build
# Cargo.toml
# rust_toolchain
# src/*
# tests/*
# FLAGS+=("--exclude=.git*")
if [ -d tests ]; then
# Exclude EVERYTHING else
rsync "${FLAGS[@]}" --list-only . | tail -20
# if [ "$FILE_CHANNEL_REUSE" != "0" ]; then
# FLAGS+=("-e"
# "ssh -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=600 -o ControlPath=~/.ssh/master-$1 -i $KEY_PATH")
# fi
# rsync "${FLAGS[@]}"
# FLAGS+=("." "root@$2:~/cloudy/")
sync_files_over() {
m_rsync $ID $IP &
Pass my local compile commands over to the VPS
After that, I remotely pass my cargo command (usually test
, but sometimes build
) over ssh to cargo running on the VPS.
cmd_cmd() {
DIRNAME=$(basename "$PWD")
# sync files over
m_rsync $ID $IP $DIRNAME
CMD=" cd $DIRNAME; $@"
m_ssh $ID $IP " bash -ls -c \"$CMD\""
TODO What do you do with results?
TODO Stream them back to terminal and watch results
TODO run the cargo command over ssh on remote and stream results
TODO check result - if 1, abort rest of script, deal with errors locally
TODO Copy executables back to local target directory
I also want to rsync the target directory back, so I can pull back executables to run locally.
TODO Check minimum number of executables to rsync from dev to laptop
Check that that cargo run can work without any other libraries/binaries apart from `target/release/executable`.
TODO clean local target and rsync them back
TODO make sure it runs locally
TODO How does it fit into your normal workflow? [0/2]
TODO Alias cargo to pt_cargo
TODO Write emacs integration to wrap it
How good is it?
- Fast builds! Keep the same laptop and get faster builds by getting a faster VPS.
- Save disk space locally.
Disadvantages and additional requirements
- Need to keep the environment (Linux, environment vars, rust toolchain) in sync across machines.
- If connection fails during a dev/debugging session, I won’t have debug symbols or any dependencies locally, so will need to rebuild from scratch.
- More network traffic - minor risk of hitting the bandwidth quota for my VPS. Minimise the risk by only mirroring to source code and release/debug binaries.
- Not running into disk problems locally will make me forget how much I am using up in the VPS.
After implementing this my compile-and-test cycle went from
Local build
cargo clean
time cargo test -q
Offload build
cargo clean
time cargo test -q
Aside from the times, I now don’t need to worry about a hot laptop.