Interviewing software developers using algorithmic puzzles on HackerRank/skype is proving contentious. People feel that companies using algorithms aren’t assessing the relevant skills. This drives applicants away from certain companies.
Some companies use a take home assignment instead. Candidates receive a technical specification of a problem and have to send back a solution.
Take home tests have their disadvantages. They demand more time from candidates to complete and interviewers to mark, which extends the interview process.
However, they allow candidates to use their own IDE, keyboard, google necessary information and think about the problem without time pressure.
In this article, I assume that a good take home assignment deserves candidates’ time and attention and outline how to make the assignment useful to interviewers and enjoyable to interviewees.
If take home tests aren’t broken, why fix them?
Most take home tests in their current form still suffer from 2 problems.
Firstly, the candidate is asked to write a solution from scratch. Secondly, the solution is assessed as a self-contained piece of code that isn’t used afterwards.
Professional software developers rarely write programmes from scratch (sorry fans of greenfield development) that aren’t refactored afterwards.
I propose a new method of assigning and grading take home tests that assesses those two qualities in candidates.
The technical specification of the assignment is outside the scope of this article.
This article uses a common “Implement a REST API server with the following endpoints …” format.
Design a programming test that is representative of the problems in your domain and would be interesting to the candidate.
What are we asking the candidates to do?
Send candidates an a git repo with an existing code base made in several commits. Include a specification, which outlines new requirements. Candidates need to implement new requirements, commit their changes to the repo and send it back.
The key point here is the existing code base, which the candidates might want to understand and refactor to solve the problem.
We are testing the candidate’s ability to read and understand someone else’s code; refactor it to comply with new functionality, while reducing overall complexity.
How to grade it?
The submissions is assessed in three stages: computer scoring, code review by an interviewer and pair programming onsite. Computer scoring runs in a CI-like automated fashion with an environment consistent across languages and tools. The reviewer marks how easy it is to extend the code base by adding new functionality. During the onsite, the candidate pairs up with another interviewer to add new functionality to their submission.
Overall, expect a good solution to delete more lines of code than it adds, remove now-unnecessary interfaces, implement requested features, while maintaining test coverage and resilience to bad inputs.
Computer scoring facets
Below is an outline of assessment facets broken down into individual factors. Results include raw counts across several rubrics.
You can compare raw scores across the same language/toolset configuration eg. compare the number of linter warnings across Java submissions, rather than comparing them against the number of linter warnings found in Python submissions.
Where possible, I suggest a formula to evaluate raw data collected for that factor.
Think of a composite score that combines raw data counts to give you an evaluation strategy that gives you confidence to pass/fail applicants.
Number and percentage of unit tests passed
Number and percentage of integration tests passed. Call the API endpoints, whose implementation was requested.
Number of old endpoints that shouldn’t exist anymore, but respond to inputs.
Suggested evaluation
Bigger is worse, 0 is good.
Style, coherence and verbosity
Inserted vs deleted lines
Get the number of lines inserted and deleted in a git diff between your last commit and HEAD.
Suggested evaluation
Ratio as low as possible.
Number of linter warnings
Run a linter on all source files and record the summary of errors and warnings. The configuration of the linter should be the same with the linters you use on your code base at work.
If you are feeling mischievous, you might want to include something that causes the linter to report errors in your original code and see if the candidates correct your mistakes.
If you do this, make sure the linter is an obvious, easy-to-run dependency. Otherwise you are punishing candidates for lack of familiarity with your tool set.
Suggested evaluation
Fewer warnings is better.
Statistics on variable, method and class names
Extract names of all variables, methods and classes in the solution. Calculate min, max, average and standard deviation of their lengths.
Make it more difficult by giving the functions and variables purposefully short names, before you send it to the candidate.
Count the number of classes and methods with docstrings. If you care about candidates’ writing ability, you might want to extract the text in the docstrings and calculate its readability score.
Length of functions and classes
Using static code analysis to calculate the lines of code in all methods/functions in the submission.
Reliability and security
Test coverage
Suggested evaluation
- lower is better.Someone covering a take home test with 100% unit tests suggests inability to make trade-off decisions.
Error handling
Suggested evaluation
Number of API endpoints crashed by malformed inputs.
Resilience to bad inputs
This is mean, but if you care about security, your candidates might enjoy this. Run a fuzzer over the API/application and count the number of errors. Make sure all submissions get the same fuzzer and fuzzing inputs.
Measure the mean and standard deviation of the following runs:
- Process 100,000 correct requests.
- Process 100,000 malformed requests.
- Process 50,000 correct and 50,000 malformed requests in random order.
Passing or failing candidates
Use the facets above and devise a formula or a flow chart that allows you to confidently reject/pass candidates.
The most fair comparison is against the submissions completed by your engineers without prior knowledge of the test or assessment criteria.
Failed submissions get a rejection email. Generate rejection summary using the collected statistics. You don’t want your criteria to leak online, so it’s best not to give exact details.
Code review and refactoring by an interviewer
The interviewer assesses how easy it is to work with the candidate’s code by adding another endpoint that calls into methods that the candidate has added.
The interviewer produces a qualitative assessment of the codebase.
To reduce bias, the reviewer cannot see the exact statistics from the previous section.
Even then, there are other factors that might affect the reviewer. After grading dozens of submissions, the reviewer becomes more proficient with the problem. This makes them capable of working with the code regardless of the quality of the submission.
In the future, interviewers’ proficiency with the problem and experience reviewing submissions might prove useful, when evaluating and adding new assessment criteria.
Onsite follow up
If the candidate comes onsite and ask them to pair programme with someone from the team. Their task is to extend their original submission to include new functionality.
You can ask them to add the same feature that the interviewer added, when assessing the ease of working with your code base. Else, give them another feature to implement. Give candidates explicit recommendation to re-read their submission before the onsite, if their submission was a while ago.
Summary of trade-offs
Below is a list of pros and cons of the suggested approach.
Collecting standardised, consistent metrics across different dimensions reduces bias in tech assessment and provides a detailed outline of candidate’s skills.
1. Even closer to real-world software development
Assesses candidates’ ability to understand code, solve problems and deliver software that is easy to extend.
By solving an interesting problem, applicants become more interested in the job.
2. Fast, systematic assessment across clear, predetermined criteria
Once you agree and set up grading infrastructure, every submission will run against the same battery of tests and populate an excel spreadsheet with results.
This enables you to progress/fail applicants in the amount of time it takes one of your developers to kick off the evaluation framework on the submission.
3. Ability to score and re-evaluate new submissions against those of previous candidates
Storing all submissions in perpetuity enables us to add new metrics retrospectively. After adding the new metric to the assessment framework, rerun it on all submissions to add new score.
4. Assess different aspects with the same test
Different teams in the same company can use the same exercise but prioritise one rubric over all others.
For example, candidates applying for a role in the performance-focussed team are expected to submit solutions with above-average performance.
5. Offer candidates more freedom of choice than a typical greenfield take home test
In a “greenfield” take home test candidates have no choice but to implement a solution from scratch. Sending applicants an existing repo gives them the option, but not the obligation, to refactor the code or nuke the current code and start from scratch.
If they can delete all of the previous code and then complete the task in a given number of hours, while keeping it simple to read and test - we want to see that too.
1. Too close to real-world software development
Candidates are people too, they want to relax in their free time, not read and write more code.
Mitigation strategies
Make sure the test can be completed in the advertised time
Measure how long it takes 3-5 developers in your company to do the test.
Picard management tip.
If you lure candidates in with a promise of “only takes a couple of hours” into a test that took your team half a day, people end up feeling disappointed with themselves and angry at you.
Scaring them with a pessimistic time estimate sets their expectations higher than necessary. Completing the test faster than expected gives them a dopamine kick.
fear_factor = 1.5 min_time = actual_min_time * fear_factor max_time = actual_max_time * fear_factor coworkers_who_did_it = get_number_of_teammates_who_did_the_test() return "{X} of your prospective team mates took between {Y} and {Z} hours doing the test".format( X=coworkers_who_did_it, Y=min_time, Z=max_time)
Sell the company and role to the candidate before the test
Organise a phone call to pitch the company and the role enough for candidates to want to do the take home test.
Cynically enough, you expect a large number of applicants to fail the test, so it might feel pointless to spend time selling the company. However, pitching really well at the start of the process brings a secondary effect of making a great impression on all applicants. Even the candidates, who fail come away and tell their friends about your company and interview process.
This makes it easier for you to hire their friends.
Make the assignment representative/interesting of your work
Find a problem specific to your company/domain and distil it down to the size of a take home assignment. Present it to candidates as a way to learn more about your problem domain.
Consider paying the candidates a nominal amount for their time.
They are doing a small, representative programming assignment and should be paid around 20-50 GBP. The reward makes your application process stand out and help you collect valuable data from a wider pool of applicants.
This doesn’t work at Google-scale of millions of applicants per year, so plan accordingly.
2. Language-specific assessment
Sending a repo with existing code restricts the candidate to 1 language.
Candidates proficient in that language are more likely to know about tools, code style and idioms of the language.
If you care about proficiency with a specific language, ignore the mitigation strategies below and consider introducing language-specific criteria into the scoring framework.
Mitigation strategies
Invest upfront into grading framework for 2 or 3 main languages that your company uses
If you use more languages than you can assess submissions in, maybe you should ask yourself why are you using that many languages in the first place.
3. If assessment criteria leak online, it might skew measurements
According to Goodhart’s law once a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.
For example, telling candidates that we calculate the ratio of inserted lines over deleted lines, might motivate them to play code golf to improve this ratio.
Mitigation strategies
Tell candidates about the multitude of criteria
Warn the candidates that their submissions runs through an automatic assessment across several rubrics like testing, style and performance. This gives participants fair warning and the opportunity to decide on the trade-offs between time spent vs quality of submission.
Devise criteria to catch regressions across correlated variables
In the example above, the candidate playing code golf wrt lines of code might resort to single letter variable names and extract white space to fit into fewer lines. Counting the number of linter errors and measuring the length of variable and method names helps us catch such regressions.
Reading and modifying existing code, while making sure it can be extended by someone else are some of the key skills for a programmer.
I suggest approaching the take home test as a systematic way of assessing those skills in job applicants, while improving your reputation with them.